
Source file organization

Each unit, needs to be placed at a location according to their name to properly being found by lapyst for imports:

  • Using the while name as the folder-path and looking for a unit.lp: MyLib::Folder::Utils will become MyLib\Folder\Utils\unit.lp.

  • Using the last part as the filename and all parts before it as the folder-path: MyLib::Folder::Utils will become MyLib\Folder\Utils.lp.

Folders to look for units are called "import paths", and can be configured. For more information on how to do that, see the compiler’s documentation.

Unit clause

A unit clause needs to be present at the beginning of each source file, only comments being allowed before it.

UnitClause = "unit" UnitName ;
UnitName   = QualifiedIdent ;

Import declarations

A import declaration is used to import declarations from other units to be available in the current unit.

ImportDecl    = "import" [ ImportUse "from" ] ImportName [ ImportAsDecl ] ;

ImportUse     = QualifiedIdent | ImportUseList ;
ImportUseList = "[" { QualifiedIdent "," } QualifiedIdent "]" ;

ImportAsDecl  = "as" identifier ;
  • When no "use" definition is given, and no "as" part is specified, all symbols of the specified unit are imported to the current unit’s top-level.

  • When a "use" specification is given, only the specified symbol(s) are made available.

  • When a "as" part is given, all imported symbols are wrapped in a namespace with the specified name.

Export declarations

A export declaration specifies which symbols of a unit should be visible to other units through importing.

ExportDecl    = "export" ExportUse [ ExportAsDecl ] ;

ExportUse     = QualifiedIdent | ExportUseList ;
ExportUseList = "[" { QualifiedIdent "," } QualifiedIdent "]" ;

ExportAsDecl  = "as" identifier ;
  • The "use" part can either be a single symbol or a list of symbols.

  • When a "as" part is given, all given symbols in the "use" part are wrapped in a namespace with the specified name.

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